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Recently, timely intervention by security personnel saved the life of a passenger at Ahmedabad airport. The passenger suffered a heart attack in the airport and fell, but an on-duty security guard saved his life. .

Similarly, the presence of mind of a traffic police officer saved a man who collapsed after getting off a bus. In Tamil Nadu, the timely act of a traffic cop saved a life.

Cardi pulmonary resuscitation (CPR) is saving many lives in these and other situations. The first few minutes are gold for any heart attack patient.

But not all are so lucky. Recently, a badminton player collapsed in Hyderabad, but no one knows what to do.

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How do we know when to start CPR?

Abrupt collapse. not a pulse. There is no breathing. Not listening and not responding are the immediate signs of a heart attack. Put your middle and index fingers on the side of the neck, close to the windpipe, to feel for a pulse of the victim and if it is not there it is time to start the CPR

In an emergency, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) can help save a person’s life if their breathing or heart stops.

A person is in cardiac arrest when their heart stops beating. During cardiac arrest, the heart is unable to pump blood to the rest of the body, including the brain and lungs.

Without medical care, death can occur within minutes. One CPR technique imitates the heart’s pumping action by using chest compressions. These compressions support the body’s natural blood circulation. 

Heart attacks and cardiac arrest are not the same thing. When the heart’s blood supply is cut off, a heart attack occurs. Even while undergoing a heart attack, a person can still speak and breathe. Although this person does not require CPR, they do need to be sent immediately to a hospital.

What can CPR do to save a life?

Presently, over 90% of cardiac arrest victims outside of a hospital pass away. Nonetheless, CPR can improve the chances of survival. Administering the CPR technique within the first few minutes following the cardiac arrest can double or triple a person’s chance of survival.

No one needs to have a special degree or formal training to learn and get a certificate to perform CPR, but you need to have knowledge about CPR. “If anyone experiences cardiac arrest, don’t panic – just be prepared and follow the below steps.”.

  1. Call for help ask by standers to call 100 or 101
  2. Give CPR. Clasp your hands one over the other and push down hard and fast in the center of the chest at a rate of 100 to 120 pushes a minute. 

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Many responsible state governments have started taking the initiative of knowing about CPR,  and popularize it in their states. But all should initiate it so that this knowledge about such life saving procedures is known to all. Every school, college, government offices, private companies etc. take the initiative and make a movement to build awareness about CPR. It will save a life. Recently Minister of Municipal Administration and Urban Development of Telangana Shri K. T. Rama Rao tweeted about his initiative about increasing awareness about CPR technique. 

Just find some time and know about CPR : CPR is a simple procedure. Learning CPR only takes two minutes. Please go to your nearest civil defense office or nearby health care facility. Get yourself empowered with CPR. Who knows you may save a life  

2 Replies to “How to Save a Life with CPR?”

    1. People should do CPR until the person begins to recover or until an emergency medical team arrives.
      After the person recovers, they should visit the hospital immediately.

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